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AG Funeral
widow of Mister Joao GONCALVES GOMES 13/12/1935 - 19/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Mister Noël LARCIN
widower of Ms Jacqueline GILSON 24/12/1933 - 18/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Molière
AG Funeral
Ms Trinette VAN der BORGHT
23/01/1930 - 16/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Anderlecht
AG Funeral
Baron François le CLÉMENT de SAINT-MARCQ
08/04/1946 - 16/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
08/09/1957 - 14/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Géry WALCKIERS
AG Funeral
Mister Christian SCHMIT
married to Ms Corinne NOËL 11/11/1957 - 14/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Ms Françoise GILLAUX
married to Mister Antonio SCHILARDI 30/01/1955 - 13/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Géry WALCKIERS
AG Funeral
widow of Mister Claude GENION 31/01/1930 - 13/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Mommens
AG Funeral
Mister Georges PLOVIE
widower of Ms Madeleine ALLES 11/11/1947 - 12/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Baron Evence-Charles COPPÉE
16/06/1953 - 12/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Ms Rose-Marie FANIS
widow of Mister Charles MELAERTS 13/01/1936 - 11/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Ms Giselle PIETTE
widow of Mister Jules LORENT 30/11/1931 - 10/01/2022
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Lardinois


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