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AG Funeral
Ms Christiane LORGE
23/01/1950 - 22/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Mister Jean-Marc GARROY
married to Ms Danielle POZNANSKI 25/04/1951 - 22/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Molière
AG Funeral
Lady Marie-Thérèse de SMET de NAEYER
married to Mister Koh-Ichi MASAKI 11/08/1941 - 21/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Michel
AG Funeral
21/10/1952 - 21/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Mister Alain GONCALVES
married to Ms Danielle SCHALLIER 02/03/1938 - 20/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Jean Luc FIASSE
AG Funeral
Ms Monique BERNARD
06/02/1948 - 20/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Mister Pierre LEEMANS
18/12/1943 - 19/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Ms Marie-Claire de BARSY
widow ofRobert HUVELLE 10/08/1937 - 19/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Ms Jacqueline DE MOL
widow of Mister 28/05/1931 - 18/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Spruyt
AG Funeral
Mister Alain NEUVILLE
27/07/1956 - 18/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Jean Luc FIASSE
AG Funeral
married to Ms Andrée DESCLÉE 31/01/1943 - 17/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Ms Claudine MARLIER
widow of Mister Claude LAZARON 01/04/1944 - 16/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Jean Luc FIASSE


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