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AG Funeral
04/08/1938 - 07/10/2021
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AG Funeral
Mister Daniel FAUCON
married to Mister Josefa DE LA FUENTE TALADRID 14/07/1936 - 07/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Raoul de MURGA y SAIZ de CARLOS
AG Funeral
wife of Mister Ibrahim BALKAN 16/05/1954 - 06/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Spruyt
AG Funeral
Ms Bertha BRUYR
widow of Mister Alfred BEKA 05/08/1928 - 05/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Lardinois
AG Funeral
Mister Paul MAWET
spouse of Ms Annie VAN POUCKE 03/07/1938 - 05/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Spruyt
AG Funeral
Mister Christian le POLAIN de WAROUX
married to Ms Jacqueline NICAISE 02/02/1921 - 05/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
24/11/1931 - 05/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Brussels
AG Funeral
19/04/1948 - 05/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Mommens
AG Funeral
Mister Marcel GEBHARDT
spouse of Ms Liliane MOORS 08/06/1934 - 04/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Spruyt
AG Funeral
Mister José ERNOTTE
08/09/1935 - 04/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences Raoul de MURGA y SAIZ de CARLOS
AG Funeral
Ms Erzsebet TOTH
27/12/1931 - 03/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Mister Jean-Pierre BERNARD
married to Ms Evelyne FRANCOIS 04/07/1943 - 03/10/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl


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