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AG Funeral
Ms Florentine BYLOOS
01/05/1940 - 22/04/2022
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AG Funeral
Ms Odette SACRE
widow of Mister Maurice GAILLY 22/05/1927 - 13/03/2022
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AG Funeral
Ms Francesca CATALANO
widow of Mister Vincenzo D'URBANO 26/11/1922 - 10/03/2022
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AG Funeral
married to Mister Hector SANDRON 08/01/1930 - 05/02/2022
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AG Funeral
Ms Henriette VANDECAN
27/05/1923 - 03/02/2022
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AG Funeral
Ms Alice PETIT
03/12/1937 - 02/02/2022
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AG Funeral
Ms Giselle PIETTE
widow of Mister Jules LORENT 30/11/1931 - 10/01/2022
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AG Funeral
Ms Nathalie BAUWENS
10/03/1968 - 17/12/2021
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AG Funeral
married to Pietro GIANNONE 27/10/1944 - 14/12/2021
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AG Funeral
Mister Raymond PREUMONT
married to Ms Christiane COLLARD 04/08/1939 - 12/12/2021
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AG Funeral
Mister Jean-Luc BOUFFIOUX
married to Ms Patricia COLLET 15/03/1962 - 22/11/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Lardinois
AG Funeral
Ms Monique CORYN
widow of Mister Claude DREUMONT 11/09/1939 - 01/11/2021
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Lardinois


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