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AG Funeral
Ms Suzanne BERIAUX
married to Mister André BOTTIN 28/07/1942 - 17/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Mommens
AG Funeral
Mister Philippe COELST
married to Ms Brigitte VAN ESSCHE 08/10/1936 - 17/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Ms Liliane Jeannine LAMBERT
widow of Mister Lucien-Bernard THOMAS 10/03/1927 - 16/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Mister Pierre SOETAERT
10/10/1937 - 16/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Uccle
AG Funeral
married to Mister René VAN REGENNORTER 18/11/1946 - 16/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Spruyt
AG Funeral
24/12/1936 - 14/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Brussels
AG Funeral
Mister Vincent ALLARD
01/05/1949 - 13/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Mister Constant DAMAS
05/03/1936 - 13/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Mister Jacques PIERSON
married to Ms Marie-José Dite Jo SWARTENBROECKX 04/03/1934 - 13/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Archiduchesse Yolande d’AUTRICHE
widow of the Archduke Charles-Louis d'AUTRICHE 06/05/1923 - 13/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
15/12/1974 - 13/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Stockel
AG Funeral
Ms Alice ROBYN
widow of Mister Michel GORSKI 17/06/1940 - 10/09/2023
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Michel


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