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AG Funeral
Ms Jeannine DE RUYT
partner of Mister Michel CORTHOUTS 12/07/1956 - 29/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Stockel
AG Funeral
Ms Thérèse PIRARD
01/03/1928 - 29/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Ms Georgette LALOUX
widow of Mister Oscar ETIEN 08/07/1927 - 29/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Brussels
AG Funeral
Mister Albert DUMOULIN
09/07/1952 - 29/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Anderlecht
AG Funeral
married to Mister Roger DANNAU 28/02/1940 - 28/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Mommens
AG Funeral
Mister Giuseppe CALLOVI
19/08/1937 - 27/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Mommens
AG Funeral
wife of Mister Joly DIXON - 27/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Stockel
AG Funeral
Ms Isabelle MARTENS
09/11/1956 - 26/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Van Gossum
AG Funeral
Ms Jacqueline PIRMEZ
widow of Ambassador Etienne HARFORD 06/11/1922 - 26/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Ms Michelle van HOOBROUCK d’ASPRE
widow of Mister Maximilien WAUCQUEZ 26/10/1935 - 25/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Altenloh · Greindl
AG Funeral
Ms Suzanna SAEY
widow of Mister Constant VANDERMAESEN 19/12/1929 - 24/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Spruyt
AG Funeral
Mister François RAMBLA
married to Ms Brigitte VAN DER HAEGEN 02/06/1939 - 23/07/2024
Offer condolences Offer your condolences A&G FUNERAL | Uccle


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